Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Don't Wanna Beef, But You're Leaving Me With No Choice Pt. II

As I explained earlier, RV dissed me in TWO songs. Damn, two songs are enough to send a particular message. So, I retaliated. How couldn't I? On the song "Hell Broke Loose" - which I was asked to be on by the 105.5 November Murderer Docta Streetz - I dissed him back. So he calls me after he heard it on the radio. Telling me shit like, "I don't wanna beef"! Even I don't, fool, but you're leaving me with no choice! Just remember, ONE diss track, if I make for you, will end your rap career...... Try to reminisce, what happened to Hustler after "Death of a Hustler" dropped? Can you remember it? He cried on the fucking phone after he heard it! And after "50 Bars" dropped, Low-Ryder came back to me and dissed Malcolm A on THREE tracks.

What goes around comes around.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

I Don't Wanna Beef, But You're Leaving Me With No Choice

I think RV's dissing me subliminally in his songs. It's pretty clear why he's doing this. Because his fucking mixtape won't be finished for an eternity and that I am acheiving things way beyond his narrow-minded fucked-up brain. For instance :-

1) In the song "Celebrate", he says "Other rappers' flow's old and cold like December", which pisses me off. Which other rapper had a cool flow in December but it was an established flow, i.e., not his? Of course ME!

2) In the song "Lights Out", he raps "SET (IT) OFF your flow as you like, you ain't gon be HIGH POWERED and you ain't TAKING OVER whatever u do, I like to diss u in your beats, coz my beats are better than yours. Hiking time dude, fuck a hill, so you could be as high as u claim to be". Names of my songs in capitals.

To be continued.....................


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Head Held High In the Sky

I'm really happy. I am going through a lot of achievements in the last month by just rapping! Although the thing should be that studies are bringing me high, but this time it's rap! Allow me to count the things that I have been going through.

1) Funky Friday Freestyle December Murderer [92.5 Hip Hop Romantics]
2) A gig with the band Carrot Fish while they were covering "Lollipop" by Lil Wayne [PECFEST]
3) 92.5 HHR's "Multies Monster" & "Punchlines Perpetrator" Awards
4) Collaborations with artists under Flayming Hot Records such as Sick Brain, Hyper Kid, etc.
5) Remixes of many songs by artists ranging from Paula Abdul to Ozzy Osbourne, Scarface to Kardinal Offishall, Eminem to The Notorious B.I.G.

All I can say is, cheers!


Saturday, December 4, 2010

We Ain't Beefin, RV? (Are We?)

I haven't been in touch with RV and the gang since 2 weeks. Just go to college, attend classes & come back and write songs, record them, complete assignments & read some books. I think I know what the reason behind this is.......

I recently quit my pimping job and started finding out about all the single gals available! I found out about one and hooked up with her. All the way. But, after a week, Burrito calls me up and says he wants to tell me something important. I suggested the parking lot of Volcano Studios, but he said no. So I suggested the club "Score", he said that's fine.

So we meet. Me, Burrito & Ritzer. They say that my gal was unfaithful and that they saw her with some other dude. I was shocked. The first thought into my mind was that I was the only committed one in Urban Villagers apart from RV. I said it. And that was it.

Then, RV talked to Axel, from A2Z, earlier from Dual Elites (my brother) and tells him that I ain't into the group anymore. I mean, WTF? Who can be in a group when the other guys accuse your gal of two three-timing you??

I'm thinking of giving them all of my collaborative verses, beats and just get away from this shit. I don't know what to do.

We ain't beefin, RV?


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

There's No Limit

Actually, there's no limit to the human emotion. Any emotion for that matter, be it happiness, sorrow, or anger. And the last one's the one which matters most right now.
As ya'll know, Digital Wizardry got a beef going on with Malcolm A and Low-Ryder. And this beef goes on and on without any pause.

Allow me to explain the past months with regard to the beef.

September & October - The beef goes on with numerous diss tracks going out against each other. Rumours started to spread across our college that the four of us were going to battle in out physically. Who knew that it went true.

November - So, me, RV, A and Low-Ryder decided to end it once and for all since it (the beef) was reaching no consequence and 10 diss tracks too were exchanged. We met at The Tribune Chowk at 11 P.M., desperate to solve it. Armed with baseball bats, hockey sticks and brass knuckles, we were ready! But suddenly we saw a fucking cop car and we went back to our cars hurridly.

So it's on again and Euthanasia Pt. I and Pt. II are gonna drop real soon.................. stay tuned for more. Peace.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

To My Sister

My cousin sister, who has been very close to me, has got her marriage fixed to a person who's gonna be my new brother-in-law. Although the date of marriage is 10th November, I feel like it's tomorrow. So, inspite of having a busy day (which I won't describe), a sad heart & rapper's devil-may-care spirit, I want to dedicate these lines to my sister.

Who had thought a sister older than me and a guardian and angel
Can be a close friend and absolute love shows when

It's time for departure; and emotions are artesian- canned anvil
When your next of kin is destined to accidently get pricked by a safety pin...................


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


They say time flies by when you are busy. I don't think so. Along with my college studies, I got to produce nearly one-fourth of RV's debut, dealing with another case of helping-a-guy-making-his-lover-realise-him-and-his-love, my cousin sister's marriage (who's quite close to me) and stuff. I'm hearing a lot of Linkin Park & OutKast these days. Helping me get rid of the enormous stress going on recently. How I manage to keep this blog updated is still a mystery to me! And, I got some beefs I'm dealing with. But then again, life goes on...............

And, I just made the intro of my mixtape The World (As I See It) too. And I also plan to release another song "Still Runnin'" as a single on 5th October. Not too far from today. I don't know how I'm gonna manage this; taking out some more time to spit fire on the mic (Still Runnin' is a fast track). I really don't know.

By the way, I MIGHT not be able to update this blog regularly, so RV's gonna keep you guys entertained till I come back. Got a marriage to attend! I wish Nikki all the best.

P.S. - Nikki, if you're reading this, I wanna let you know that there's always gonna be a brother by your side no matter what and that you're still gonna be my lil sis :)
