Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Don't Wanna Beef, But You're Leaving Me With No Choice Pt. II

As I explained earlier, RV dissed me in TWO songs. Damn, two songs are enough to send a particular message. So, I retaliated. How couldn't I? On the song "Hell Broke Loose" - which I was asked to be on by the 105.5 November Murderer Docta Streetz - I dissed him back. So he calls me after he heard it on the radio. Telling me shit like, "I don't wanna beef"! Even I don't, fool, but you're leaving me with no choice! Just remember, ONE diss track, if I make for you, will end your rap career...... Try to reminisce, what happened to Hustler after "Death of a Hustler" dropped? Can you remember it? He cried on the fucking phone after he heard it! And after "50 Bars" dropped, Low-Ryder came back to me and dissed Malcolm A on THREE tracks.

What goes around comes around.


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